A local networking solution for audio streaming and sharing, supporting lossless and lossy audio formats through a unified platform.
cpp libav* flac Boost C++ TOML++ Miniaudio
The inLimbo project aims to be a new upcoming TUI music player for UNIX based systems that gives music lovers...
FTXUI C++ Miniaudio TOML++ libcereal libpng ImageMagick
An upcoming GPU acclerated screen lock for Wayland compositors that abides by the ext-session-lock-v1 Wayland Protocol.
libwayland C PAM EGL/GLESv2 libxkbcommon tomlc99 freetype
A cross-platform solution toward a more hydro-knolwedgable world.
Flutter Dart Firebase OpenStreetMap GeminiAPI
A small dynamic and fast framework for hot reloading C projects in POSIX systems
shell C hot-reload dlfcn dll
A gruvbox inspired Audio Visualizer written in Raylib for *NIX based systems.
Raylib C FFT Audio Visualizer libavformat
Curses based file manager that caters to power users written in C.
ncurses libarchive vim-keybinds rsync SDL2 yaml